Thursday, December 10, 2009

We did it again, John!

Launch of 'lovely Flows the Lee'

with John Spillane.

We had a great night at the launch of lovely flows the lee at the fabulous CIT School of Music on Union Quay on the 2nd of December. Authors Tony McGettigan and Frank Twomey gave the introductions and John Spillane did the offical launch with his own composition ' Swimming in the Holy Waters of the River Lee'. He then followed with some more of his classics such as 'Dont need no church made out of stone' and 'Passage West'. Lovely flows the Lee is and account of the river Lee from it small beginnings in the mountains over Gougane Barra to the end of it's 90km journey at Roches Point. John finished up the night with a medley from his present album; 'More Irish songs we learned at school'.

Lovely flows the Lee is available at 026 47069 and at

price € 25.00

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